There are lots of factors that encourage people to work on their weight and shape. People with more weight often feel uncomfortable and unhealthy which motivates them to lose weight. Fear of adverse effects due to obesity encourages the overweight to find a healthier life-style. Weight loss programs in centers such as Weight Watchers allow lost weighters to use group interactions as motivation while having access to professional counseling. Or they can contact dieticians who are able give tips and tricks on healthy lifestyles habits like proper nutritional balance, intake, exercises and supplements. — With all the unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles we have adopted, obesity has become a common problem all over the world. Lack of self-esteem also plays a big part in day-to-day motivation for weight loss. Obesity takes away from your dignity and self-confidence, which is then replaced with shame, frustration, and regret. The underlying cause for weight loss most often is not found in the average person's cabinet or bathroom mirror but in their mind. Everyday thoughts about living be an "overweight" person create a cycle of no motivation for weight loss because of bad body image or fear that being thin would mean looking old. The public perception of overweight people reflects on them enough to make them believe that they are doomed to live life fat forever! — Weight loss can be very difficult because of how embedded it is in our society. The result is that people will constantly be exposed to triggers for eating as a source of comfort. Many studies detail how triggers for eating are only opportunities for greater temptation to indulge in food and consequently gain weight. However, psychologists argue that motivation to lose weight can be created by engaging alternative sources of happiness or satisfaction. These alternative sources include physical activities, mental stimulation, meaningful human relationships, and personal time (Bantel & Fuller). In the end of the day treating obesity stems not from outside sources but rather poor habits that create poor choices and if we change these thoughts then weight will also start being seen as a point of health rather an event waiting to happen.